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Tuning Forks Must-haves & Favorites

March 18, 20245 min read

“Sound can reach the wounded parts of you that medicine can never find.” -Dr. Toni Sorenson


While I started my sound healing adventure with a bunch of crystal bowls, I didn’t expect another amazing set of instruments to quietly shape my life for years: tuning forks. These elegant instruments, with their unassuming appearance, have been steadfast allies on my journey, guiding me through the ebbs and flows of existence with their transcendent frequencies.

In the realm of self-discovery and healing, tuning forks hold a special place, each possessing its own unique resonance capable of unlocking profound insights and facilitating inner balance. I call these instruments my “pick-me-ups” since tuning forks have become not just tools, but companions on my path to wholeness.

In this blog, I invite you to join me as we explore the captivating world of tuning forks. Together, we'll delve into the science behind their efficacy, learn practical insights for incorporating them into your own journey of well-being, and as a special bonus, give you a video of guided demonstrations.

Welcome to my list of favorites (specifically tuning forks)—where resonance meets revelation.

1. Tuner – “Otto 128” (Weighted)

Otto 128 Tuner Biosonics

This is a tuning fork staple a sound healer must have with them. I’m sure it looks super familiar, for your tuning fork tool belt must have one. You see, the Otto 128 works on the physical body and is to be placed directly on the bones to enhance mobility, and pain reduction, and aids in the healing of injuries. The Otto tuners are used for relaxation, the sound vibrates into the bones for relaxation.

Now this one’s a bit different because compared to other tuning forks, you should definitely never tap it with another tuning fork. That’s right, it can only be activated with the use of 4 random things: an apple, a hockey puck, the palm of your hand, or your knee! I know a lot of people tend to misuse this by directly hitting it with their tuning forks, please know that you’re doing more harm than good, especially since its resonant are stronger than our hearing could handle.

NOTE: The "Otto 128" will be used in combination with the Solar Harmonic Spectrum Set.

If you wish to see how exactly to activate it, feel free to watch my step-by-step guided video below:

2. Solar Harmonic Spectrum (Set of 8)

solar harmonic set

This might be my most favorite set of all time, because it gets to uplift me depending on the state I am in. While I could write paragraphs after paragraphs about how our moods and feelings are like the 5 elements, and how this set is made for healing whatever “element” we’re in– it serves as an amazing tune-up and release, especially after having a rough day.

This set contains a full octave of tuning forks (C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C). When played together they create a series of overtones to help you relax and center yourself. Each interval relates to a different state of consciousness and body posture. Each interval affects your nervous system in a different way by activating specific elemental qualities.

NOTE: This is the full set and includes the Body Tuners C and G. With this set, you will only need the "Otto 128" to complete your collection.

3. Biosonic Body Tuners – “C256 & G384”

Biosonic Body Tuners – “C256 & G384”

The Biosonic Body Tuners are the ideal beginner as they are the most powerful tuning fork combination. The C and G tuners create a “perfect fifth” and open the gateway for healing and higher consciousness. Listening to these two different tones, your body makes one tone, bringing your whole nervous system to balance and integrating your mind and body. Within 30 seconds (the same amount of time it takes to stretch a muscle), you can achieve a state of unification and deep relaxation, which might take you 45 minutes to reach through meditation.

Of course, this is every beginner’s must-have. Whether you're doing tuning forks for healing on a professional practice, or just for your personal use, this saves you a lot of time and can cut down a session from an hour down to an amazing minute–leaving you rejuvenated, and refreshed.

This wouldn't be very beginner-friendly if I didn't show you how easy it would be to use this set, so here's a guided video of doing what we call "The Together Tap Technique":

If you want to try more techniques using the C &G Tuning Forks, here's a video demonstration on what we call the "Knee Tap Technique":

4. Clear Quartz Gem Foot (Attachment only) – “15 mm”

Clear Quartz Gem Foot Tuner  Biosonics (Attachment only) – “15 mm”

This Crystal Foot to is meant to be attached on your Otto 128. So how does this work exactly? Clear quartz is known as the "master healer" in crystal healing practices due to its ability to amplify energy. When used as an attachment, it enhances the energetic properties of the Otto 128. The universal healing stone channels the energy of all stones through intention focused through the stone that sets it in oscillation. Once placed in your body, you get to feel the vibration coming through the sound, channeling the light and healing your body and mind needs.

So yeah, these tuning forks have been my best friends for every session I’ve been doing for the past 4 years. It has helped me navigate through my own life’s stressors, as well as my clients, and I’m hoping that its vibration will do the same for you.

Well, I hope this blog helped you find what you’re looking for, and if not, feel free to email me at info@basilalchemy.com, I’d love to chat and help you!

Sending you the best of intentions as you continue your path towards balance and well-being, and may these instruments I recommended find a place in your collection, and guide you into a place of serenity and inner peace.

Your path to holistic well-being might just be a few resonant tones away.

All my love,

Thais ✨

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Thais Tiosi

Thais Tiosi comes from Brazil, a country where people are very connected to the Earth. Her ancestors came from that land and were also European immigrants; a lineage of healers and spiritual people. Thais' personal journey is a testament to overcoming anxiety, doubts, and fears from years of emotional abuse and narcissistic manipulation. During her initial sound bath experience, she encountered deep tranquility and a profound sense of inner fulfillment. Over time, she continued attending sound baths, resulting to a beautiful change in her life: gaining confidence, casting off emotional burdens, and unearthed a fresh sense of life purpose. Armed with her crystal bowls and tuning forks, she aims to inspire others to find and take control of their path, helping them grow and heal from traumatic life experiences.

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